Assistive Technology

What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive Technology (AT) equipment is any device or system that allows you to perform a task that you would otherwise be unable to do, or increases the ease and safety with which you can perform that task.

It ranges from quite simple devices or modifications to more complex adaptive technology.

Modifying wheelchairs, tables, work stations, clotheslines, walkers, cutlery, gardening tools or fishing rods – our team of skilled TADTas volunteers will work closely with you to adapt your device to work for you.

If there are no suitable products on the market we may be able to create a new innovative solution from scratch.  Contact us to find out if we can help you.

For more info, please read our Flyer below!

TADTas Custom AT Flyer

Do you want to learn more about what TADTas Assistive Technology?

Listen to our interview with Print Radio Tasmania, below!

Print Radio Tasmania – Assistive Technology Interview

Products & Case Studies

Rough-Terrain Wheelchair Wheels

Carolyn found that the small front wheels on her wheelchair made it difficult to negotiate uneven terrain, so Tony swapped them for larger ones. Problem solved.

Chair Step & Handle

Robyn was having a struggle getting out of her chair, and her therapist requested a step that would make it easier. Dennis and Tony came up with this lightweight step and flexible handle so Robyn could move it when needed.

Office Desk Extension

We were asked by the ATO to see if we could make it more comfortable for an employee to access her computer keyboard from her wheelchair. Tony and Dennis devised a metal extension and a wooden holder, and the project was declared a success.

Modified Wheelchair Footplate

Brett’s height meant that his feet were slipping off the footplate of his wheelchair, so Peter modified the footplate to create metal moulds to contain Brett’s shoes. Both Brett and therapist Amy were happy with the result.

Modified-Steering Tricycle

Barry modified the steering on Charlie’s tricycle to compensate for her limited use of one arm.

Who Our Assistive Technology Can Help


Giving your child the best opportunity in life can be hard if they have a disability, but having the right device or equipment may help. TADTas specialises in modifying or making equipment that is not commercially available. Often, we develop or adapt equipment to suit the child’s size or solutions that assist to gain or maintain a child’s independence.

Examples of TADTas projects include modified bikes (Freedom Wheels), steps and handrails for easy access to toilets, buggies with wider wheels for beach access, and modified walkers. TADTas has also built custom devices for several special schools.

Whether it’s for school, recreation, sport, exercise therapy, or other daily activities, contact us to see if we can help you receive the right equipment for your child.


Having the right equipment can help you be independent; stay connected with your family, friends, and the community; and pursue work opportunities.

Example projects include modifications to walkers, scooters and wheelchairs, remote control systems to manage home environments, modifications to communication devices and modifications to home and work furniture.

Let us help you find the right innovation for your independence. Contact us for more information.


As you age, you might find you’re not able to do all the things you used to be able to do.

Having the right device or equipment can make all the difference. TADTas specialises in modifying or making equipment that is not commercially available.

A typical example is raising a chair to allow you to more easily sit down or stand up or making modifications to the height, brake, or seat on walkers. It might also be as simple as a clip to hold a walking stick.

Having the right equipment can help you remain independent; stay connected with your family, friends and the community; and even be able to continue living in your own home for longer.

Let us help you to continue enjoying your life by finding the right innovation for your independence. Contact us for more information.

Funding Your Assistive Technology Solutions Through NDIS

TADTas is a registered provider with the National Disability Insurance Scheme. To purchase equipment through the NDIS, you will need to make sure Assistive Technology (equipment) is included in your NDIS plan.


NDIS Funding

Your therapist will need to complete the NDIA Assistive Technology Assessment Form.

Learn More

 Non-NDIS Funding

TADTas is committed to providing services to all people with disabilities.  TADTas has a small but dedicated band of donors who support our work.  Talk to us about alternative funding options.

TADTas AT Referral Form